Re: MQL after CTA clicks on 2 separate emails

Level 1

MQL after CTA clicks on 2 separate emails

I am trying to build a program that will flip a lead to MQL after they have clicked the CTA on 2 separate emails. I initially built the programs as follows:

  1. The first program is triggered by a click on a relevant CTA. The flow places them on a list called '1 email click'.
  2. The second program is triggered by a click on a relevant CTA + the lead is already on the '1 email click' list, but not yet on a '2 email clicks' list. The flow adds them to the '2 email clicks' list.

The issue I'm running into is that folks are being added to the '2 email clicks' list after clicking twice on the CTA on one email.

Does anyone know of a way to have the 2nd click only 'count' if it is from a second email? I'd like this email to be running in the background at all times, so unfortunately using specific email constraints isn't feasible.

Thank you so much!

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MQL after CTA clicks on 2 separate emails

First, realize that email clicks aren't a reliable measure of human engagement, even with bot detection turned on.

But let's pretend for the moment that they're worth acting on. The only ways to do what you're describing are:

1. Use a webhook-compatible service that can “dedupe” click activities and only score on unique email names.



2. Log the most recent {{}} to a field. When that field changes (Data Value Changes trigger) from one non-empty value to another, you know there's been a second click on a different asset.