Re: Moving Leads Between Partitions

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Moving Leads Between Partitions

I have 4 work spaces and 4 partitions:

Workspace A (Default) 
Workspace B
Workspace C
Workspace D

Partition A (Default)
Partition B
Partition C
Partition D

Workspace A can see Partions A, B, C, D
Workspace B can see Partition A, B
Workspace C can see Partition A, C
Workspace D can see Partition A, D

Leads are parsed out to the correct partition based on the Country Name. My campaign is set up so leads move from Partition A move to either B or C, and if they do not fit into either of those, then go to D. Now if someone changes the country name in Partition D, and now it belongs in Partition B, how do you send it to Partition B? Keep in mind, each workspace can only see their partition and the default partition. I do not want to give access to the other partitions so they can see all leads in the partition they are sending to, only the ability to send leads to those partitions. Is this possible or do we have to do an export of the leads and place them into the proper lead partition? Thanks in advance.
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Marketo Employee

Re: Moving Leads Between Partitions

Hey Brenton,

In the case you describe, the Change Partion activity will need to be managed from within workspace A.  In order to manage partitions, the workspace must be able to access leads in both the source and destination instances.  In this case that is workspace A.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Moving Leads Between Partitions

Yes, for campaigns to affect all Leads, you must use them in the Default WS that can see all the LPs.
Not applicable

Re: Moving Leads Between Partitions

Got it, thanks