Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Not applicable

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Thanks so much for this info! I am a bit hesitant to be happy about this switch, but nothing I can personally do about it . Thanks for the tips!

Level 5

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Yep, I feel your pain. I think I say at least once a day something about how much better SFDC is than NetSuite and that we wouldn't have nearly as many challenges if we were on SFDC. But like you said, it's not really my decision so I try to make do with what we have Let me know if you have any additional questions!

Not applicable

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

If possible, can you share with me some of the things that you come across where you wish you had SFDC over NetSuite? Also, are there any specific challenges you're faced with? I'm in SFDC ALL day long, so I know the switch is going to be hard for me!

Level 5

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Hi Megan,

I think the number one thing I wish NS had was a native integration between NS and Marketo. Most of the issues we have stems from data getting lost/messed up during the data transfer process Marketo-->Vertify/Muv-->NetSuite, and back. Sometimes it can take several hours for leads to flow from one system to the other - which clearly is a concern for inbound demo requests. This is something we are working on, but when you have to introduce a whole other system, it makes things more complicated.

Also, building reports and searches in NS is about 10x harder than in SFDC. 



Level 1

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Hi Valerie,

I don’t have any experience with Salesforce but we're currently set-up with Marketo-->Vertify/Muv-->NetSuite. We’re also having trouble handling inbound requests, I would love to hear how you are managing it. 



Level 5

Re: Moved from SFDC to NetSuite

Hi Katy,

Currently we are using Marketo forms to capture the inbound leads on our website. Once they fill out the form, they pass through Vertify into NS to create the customer record, if new. It passes back into Vertify and into Marketo to pass the Company information (ids, territories, lead owners etc.) onto the Marketo lead record. Lead Owner is notified of new lead. It then goes back through Vertify into NS to create the contact record, then back into Marketo to pass the Contact details (contact id etc.).

Here's another way of looking at it, if this is more helpful at all.

1. Marketo Form completed

2. Marketo --> Vertify --> Creates Company Record

3. NS --> Vertify --> Marketo

4. Marketo --> Vertify --> Creates Contact Record

5. Sets Company record lead status to MQL and notifies the lead owner

6. NS --> Vertify --> Marketo

SO, that is all how it is supposed to happen. And it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Sometimes it takes a few minutes sometimes it takes several hours. We have been attempting to work with Vertify to understand why there are so many differences in the way the data flows and why we have errors for no apparent reason. Even when our translation tables (translation tables are not my friend) are all set up correctly we still get errors for that. We actually pretty heavily looked at BedRock data to replace Vertify just a few weeks ago, and I was really impressed with them. They seemed to be a better and easier solution to use, but you never know until you go through implementation so we decided it may not be worth the effort of moving platforms at this time.

Hopefully this was helpful and kind of what you were looking for. Happy to chat with you more if you want to DM me

