Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

Level 10

Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

Hi all,

Has anyone migrated an instance of MKTO (from a company that was acquired) that was using SSL (https) over to a different MKTO instance not using SSL (http)? Are there any good workarounds for redirects?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

You can't redirect https://landing.example.com to http://landing.example.com unless the server at landing.example.com is running SSL, period.  (And if the new Marketo instance were running SSL, you wouldn't have this problem in the first place.)

You could however switch to a new landing page domain(s).  Then you could run the old one, let's say https://oldlps.example.com, on another server (any server/service will do as it won't be serving pages, just redirecting) and have it redirect to http://newlps.example.com.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

(Also wonder what the justification is for removing security after an acquisition.  I mean, I know there's a cost, but it's still weird, and there's the HTTPS-HTTP referrer problem I constantly mention.)

Level 10

Re: Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

Thanks for the response! They didn’t remove it – the new company just doesn’t have SSL and the one that was acquired did.



Best regards,

Kim Para,<http://www.leadmd.com/team/kim-para/> Marketing Consultant

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

Right, I didn't mean literally removing it but in effect it's the same... seems like the next question will be "what happened to my referrers and my SEO?"

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Migrating instances SSL to Non-SSL

I suggest Kara consult an SEO specialist before they migrate or shut anything down.

Any particular reason they are moving from SSL side to the non SSL side?