Re: May 15th Patch Ruined Our Marketo Instance

Level 2

May 15th Patch Ruined Our Marketo Instance

Since the May 15th patch the following issues are ongoing in our instances. 


1. Failed custom integration sync that was preventing 32,000 leads that were deleted in Marketo, but no in SalesForce. The custom integration sync stop working morning of May 16th and all 32,000 leads have been recreated in Marketo. 

2. When leads / contacts sync between Marketo and SalesForce, the Marketing user in SFDC tied to Marketo is clearing a number of SFDC custom fields including opt out fields, contact status, and the custom integration sync field from being populated to null / blank.

3. Campaign failure alerts around the clock. 


I have submitted tickets to support, but the responses have been slow, been given canned responses, and no resolution. 

I have been a Marketo Admin for 8 years+ now and have never experienced such problems. I am losing faith, help! 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: May 15th Patch Ruined Our Marketo Instance

Kind of hard without knowing every possible detail of the custom integration — which REST API endpoints it's using, internal lookup logic, etc. It could be just about anything. I will say I don't know of any recent regressions in the current endpoints... but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

Level 2

Re: May 15th Patch Ruined Our Marketo Instance

Hi Albert,

I want to apologize for the trouble working with our Technical Support teams. I looked in the back end system and was able to see the cases you have opened.

I wanted to let you know that I raised an escalation with our Support Leadership team on your behalf and someone from that group should be reaching out to you soon via email to help move these cases along.

You can also manage your Support Escalations via our Support portal here in the Marketing Nation in a similar fashion as a support ticket by using the following path:

Support (banner at top of screen - Mouse Over) > Case Management > Drop-down Picklist (defaults to "My Recent Cases") > Management Escalations


Again, I'm sorry to hear about the lousy experience you're having over the last week and a member of our Support Leadership team will be in touch soon.



Garret F.

Local Neighborhood Support Operations guy at Adobe