Marketo x On24

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Level 3

Marketo x On24

We have Advisors that register for ON24 sessions using personal or other email addresses we do not currently have in Marketo. We have two types of campaigns. Those that will use the ON24 integration and some where we would get out list from Marketo.


1) For the ON24 integration, when an unknow Marketo Advisor registers, will a record in Marketo be created and or will they receive a “thank you” for registering email (assuming we have that set up in Marketo)
2) When Advisors register for an ON24 webinar, we receive a record for the user in CDP. For some of the registered users, we receive an email address that does not exist in CDP; they may have used a personal email address. Does our Marketo integration with CDP prevent us from creating new users with just an email address from CDP?


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo x On24

Not user... again, you mean person. Users log into Marketo and are found in Admin » Users and Roles.


The native ON24 connector can create new person records, absolutely.


We couldn’t answer anything about a custom or commercial integration with an unknown CDP. Such integrations can be written to create new people or to only update existing people. Impossible to know as it’s not related to Marketo.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo x On24

It’s easier to discuss your situation without the business-specific term “Advisor.” Let’s talk about Marketo people, since that’s the term within the platform.


1) For the ON24 integration, when an unknow Marketo Advisor registers, will a record in Marketo be created and or will they receive a “thank you” for registering email (assuming we have that set up in Marketo)

Whenever someone fills out a Marketo form, a person record is either updated or created. There’s no way to have a form fillout without a person existing in Marketo afterward. So unless you’ve specifically excluded net new people (created by the form) from notifications or other actions, they’ll go through the same steps as everybody else.


2) When Advisors register for an ON24 webinar, we receive a record for the user in CDP. For some of the registered users, we receive an email address that does not exist in CDP; they may have used a personal email address. Does our Marketo integration with CDP prevent us from creating new users with just an email address from CDP?

It’s impossible to say how your CDP pulls updates (or, perhaps, receives updates via webhook) from Marketo. You’d have to detail that for us. But if the CDP requires, say, a non-empty Last Name and Company, then it would reject the update. But this has nothing to do with Marketo rejecting the update, it never cares if someone is email-only.

Level 3

Re: Marketo x On24



My question is more about: is a user is created with either the On24 integration or CDP integration if the user did not previously exist in Marketo. So, can either integration create a new user.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo x On24

Not user... again, you mean person. Users log into Marketo and are found in Admin » Users and Roles.


The native ON24 connector can create new person records, absolutely.


We couldn’t answer anything about a custom or commercial integration with an unknown CDP. Such integrations can be written to create new people or to only update existing people. Impossible to know as it’s not related to Marketo.

Level 3

Re: Marketo x On24



If a new person/lead register through On24 so that person/lead will get created in Marketo?  (as this lead/person does not previously there in marketo). or that data of On24 not get created in Marketo ? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo x On24

If a new person/lead register through On24 so that person/lead will get created in Marketo?  (as this lead/person does not previously there in marketo). or that data of On24 not get created in Marketo ? 

Yes, as as noted above.


Of course you should strive to avoid registering people from the ON24 side and instead steer people through Marketo forms.