Re: Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

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Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

Do I have to make a sales person a Marketo user before issuing an Email Add-in license? If so, I want them to have almost zero rights to do anything in Marketo. Is there a role that is virtually read-only? I just want sales people to be able to install the Gmail plugin so they can "Log to Marketo." I don't want them to have a login to Marketo.

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Level 8

Re: Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

They don't need to be part of Marketo. Go to the sales insights part of admin, click on "Email Add In" tab, then click issue license and type in their email addresses. They'll receive instructions on what to do.
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Re: Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

Hi Kristen. When I did that, and they clicked on the link to start the process the first screen that popped up was the Marketo login screen. 😞  
Level 8

Re: Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

AH! Could be because the links to the articles are generated in the community, which often requires a login. 
They should be redirected to this:

As you can see from the instructions, it doesn't require a login. If you screen shot those instructions then send them out to those who you've issued licenses to, that should help! Also, you should post this as an idea! (IE Instructions for installing the add-in that are hosted on a site outside of the community so they can access them) 🙂

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Re: Marketo User Roles and Email Add-in license

Perfect! Thanks Kristen.