Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

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Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

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Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

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Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

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Level 3

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

I've been looking ... and can't locate ... a related request: enable assign owner and change owner to target a specific SFDC user ID rather than a name. The most frequent issue is that same person, same name, has different user objects as sales person, forum participant, partner portal user, etc. etc. In this case, the name appears multiple times in the drop-down, and you can't even do trial and error - Marketo simply won't be able to assign the lead. You have to get the user to change their name on one their profiles. This is particularly a hazard when a partner or customer (via forum use) has the same name as a sales person. Is there a posting I can be sure to vote for?

BTW, you do an awesome job on the forums. Thanks!

Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

I Frank,

You are correct, I have never stepped over this idea in the community yet. Add it and I'll add to the list above.


Marketo Employee

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

Do you need to actually grant the sync user visibility to all of those different user objects?  As a rule the sync user should only be given visibility to what Marketing actually needs - if Marketing doesn't need to assign new leads to a forum user's profile then you should hide visibility.

Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

Hi Steven,

As I understand it, Frank request is about namesakes within the user list when running Sync to SFDC or Change owner flow steps.


Not applicable

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

A bit of a late response, but thanks Gregoire for this very comprehensive and thoughtful set of idea suggestions! 

There's a lot of thinking here and so we're going to take a look at them, unpack, and merge them into the discussions already currently underway here at Marketo about how to improve our CRM connectors this year and the next.  Stay tuned.


Level 10

Re: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?

Hi Derek,

As I wrote elsewhere, do not hesitate to contact me directly if you want to discuss any of these. I would be happy to help.
