Hi there!
Whenever somebody clicks a link in a Marketo email with the "link tracking" option on, they get to my website, with the URL having a huge parameter set at the end, begininng with /?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0....... I see why it happens and that's OK.
The issue is that it spoils tracking in Google Analytics. When I check my page visit reports, I see such thing: http://prntscr.com/ixz4ik Each visit from an email is considered by GA as a visit to a separate page! During a year, such single visits accumulate to a huge sum, which makes a particular page visit count not matching the _actual_ numbers, which should also include hits from Marketo emails.
Anyone had a workaround to solve this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Stepan,
In GA, you need to exlude mkt_tok as a URL parameter in the view.
Yes, been asked several times before. Search past posts for "mkt_tok".
Thank you Gregoire, this works.
Here's where to do it: http://prntscr.com/iyj92p
More info can be found here: https://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/04/17/strip-query-parameters-google-analytics/
Hi Stepan,
Pls mark the question as answered.
Grégoire Michel, will excluding mkt_tok allow for Marketo referred traffic to show in the "email" channel instead of "referral" channel? Here's a screenshot from our current GA. 2018-09-25_1407
will excluding mkt_tok allow for Marketo referred traffic to show in the "email" channel instead of "referral" channel?
Not on its own, no, but please open a new thread for this different question.