Re: Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

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Level 4

Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

Hi all, so we've got our first onboarding email setup in marketo, the initial (email 1 setup) smartlist is as follows: trigger: person is created & filter: consent email is true. 


Based on engagement with this and further emails in future, we want to trigger upto 5 other sends, my question therefore is: how can we remove those that aren't engaging with our onboarding emails whilst also adding in those that are engaged? I know we could use unique urls to do this, but i'm wondering if there's a better way (as surely there must be). just not sure about getting all of the emails talking to one another, the URLs would be the same mostly, hence why the unique urls wouldn't really work. We do however have a membership option which will be advertised on all of these and we can filter out those who're members but that again isnt the best way.


cheers in advance!




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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

Why don't you use engagement program to set this up? 

Engagements in an email could be determined by email activities such as: opened, clicked, filled out a form via the link from an email, etc. I'm always dubious about using the email opens/ clicks as sole criteria for determining the engagement due to bot activities, especially with the bot filtering feature turned off. Having said that how/what determines a considerable email engagement is probably more of a subjective + strategy Q.


Re how to manage list of active recipients of this email series: You can maintain a static list to house people who enter the email series and use operational campaigns to manage the list (eg, add people when they’re created and have opted in to receive emails, remove people who haven’t engaged with the past emails, etc.)


This list can be referenced by your campaigns to send out emails. You'd want to add filters in your SCs to ensure that people have received the previous email(s) in the series and haven't yet received this or any of the subsequent emails in the series. You won't need this if you use Marketo’s engagement program. 


Lastly, if you aren’t just targeting the new people entering the database, you should also add a Data Value Changes (DVC) trigger for the Consent Email field = true. Additionally make sure that the qualification rule for all the email campaigns are set to allow a person to flow through them only 1x.


This recommendation is based on what I got from your question, if you need additional suggestion/clarification specific to your use case that I may have missed covering above, then please let us know. 🙂

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

Why don't you use engagement program to set this up? 

Engagements in an email could be determined by email activities such as: opened, clicked, filled out a form via the link from an email, etc. I'm always dubious about using the email opens/ clicks as sole criteria for determining the engagement due to bot activities, especially with the bot filtering feature turned off. Having said that how/what determines a considerable email engagement is probably more of a subjective + strategy Q.


Re how to manage list of active recipients of this email series: You can maintain a static list to house people who enter the email series and use operational campaigns to manage the list (eg, add people when they’re created and have opted in to receive emails, remove people who haven’t engaged with the past emails, etc.)


This list can be referenced by your campaigns to send out emails. You'd want to add filters in your SCs to ensure that people have received the previous email(s) in the series and haven't yet received this or any of the subsequent emails in the series. You won't need this if you use Marketo’s engagement program. 


Lastly, if you aren’t just targeting the new people entering the database, you should also add a Data Value Changes (DVC) trigger for the Consent Email field = true. Additionally make sure that the qualification rule for all the email campaigns are set to allow a person to flow through them only 1x.


This recommendation is based on what I got from your question, if you need additional suggestion/clarification specific to your use case that I may have missed covering above, then please let us know. 🙂

Level 4

Re: Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

As always Darshil, thank you for coming back to me!


and would this be executable yes?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo onboarding program - batch campaign setup

I see where you're coming from regarding using the executable campaign, but if you think you don't really need executable campaigns as you're not gonna send all 5 emails in one go, and arbitrarily say even if you wanted to do so, you may not be able to ensure 100% of the times that the emails get delivered in the exact same order as you sent them. Executable campaigns guarantee the synchronous flow of flow step actions and not the email reception. For your use case, I'd just add the Email Sent filters properly that I listed to ensure the person is sent the right email in the send batch email send campaigns.