Re: Marketo Lead Detail Page Improvements

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Marketo Lead Detail Page Improvements

Think the lead detail page could be more useful?  If so, we would love to hear your thoughts on how to improve it!

Here are some ideas to get your creative thinking going....make lead detail page more intelligent by answering questions like which Marketo programs the lead belongs to OR what is the current lifecycle stage of the lead OR show similar leads in the lead database OR simplify troubleshooting by graphically representing the activity log etc. 

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Re: Marketo Lead Detail Page Improvements

Just being able to see on a lead's record which programs they are a member of (and their status) would be a HUGE win to me.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Lead Detail Page Improvements

It would be nice to customize this better. Maybe look at how HubSpot uses a timeline history, but make it more powerful:
  • key subscription options
  • revenue stage
  • Date of creation
  • program and sfdc campaign membership history, with dates
  • better activity log views - maybe a way to display the activity detail without clicking on the ID#
  • sales interactions (activity history)
  • Last Value
  • Last Campaign
  • Last Email Sent/Opened/etc...