Re: Mapping Marketo Custom Program Member Field to Salesforce Campaign Member Field Still Not Possible?

Level 9 - Champion

Mapping Marketo Custom Program Member Field to Salesforce Campaign Member Field Still Not Possible?

We are looking to track the last time someone entered an SFDC campaign along with how many times they have entered the campaign e.g. the more times they interact with the campaign and the more recent this interaction is the greater the weight this campaign should have in attribution modeling


I know there is a "last modified date" campaign member field in Salesforce but this only updates when the person's status has been updated. We want to be able to update the"last entry date" and "entry counter" fields every time someone triggers a campaign within the Marketo program.


Ideally, we could create a "last entry date" and "entry counter" field on the SFDC campaign member object and these would sync to Marketo as custom program member fields or there would be some way to map "last entry date" and "entry counter" fields created in both Marketo and SFDC to each other.


Based on what I have read this is still not possible. Has there been any update on this?


If this is still not possible does anyone have any workarounds to get values for "last entry date" and "entry counter" for a person in a program into the SFDC campaign member?

Tyron Pretorius
Level 10

Re: Mapping Marketo Custom Program Member Field to Salesforce Campaign Member Field Still Not Possible?

Not sure I understand all of this, so let me try to rephrase:


1. You want to write Marketo information onto the SFDC Campaign Member? I think you can't. Marketo can only write onto Leads and Contacts, so you'd need a Salesforce flow step to print that Lead and Contact field onto the Campaign Member. We do exactly that in numerous cases.

2. You want to write Marketo Custom Member fields onto the Salesforce Campaign Member? I think you'd need to copy that value onto a synced field and then use 1). As you can now use Program Member Custom Field Tokens (PMCFT :-)) that should be possible. Haven't tried it myself though.

3. You want to write from the SFDC Campaign Member into a Marketo Program Member Custom Field? No idea.