Re: Leads not getting uploaded where there are Date fields associated with it.

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Leads not getting uploaded where there are Date fields associated with it.

I Have set of leads , when uploaded few of the leads get failed , and show the error on date field, but the other records with the same date field populated get uploaded without any errors , but few show up as error. not sure what’s the issue, can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot or how to fix this problem.

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Re: Leads not getting uploaded where there are Date fields associated with it.

Please provide an example / screen shot illustrating the value in the date field that is failing and the error message.
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Re: Leads not getting uploaded where there are Date fields associated with it.

Here is the error report from the excel file i got. the succesfull uploads also did have same field , populated with data.

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Re: Leads not getting uploaded where there are Date fields associated with it.

Thanks.  As I feared you are using a Day / Month / Year format, but Marketo is expecting a Month / Day / Year value.  As a result anything with a Day greater than 12 is causing an error.  Also, the dates that you were able to upload are being interpreted incorrectly.  The screenshot you provided doesn't look like it is from Marketo - are you importing these via another solution?