Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link

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Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link

I am trying to set up relatively complex "mailto" link for one of our emails.

The complications are setting in when I attempt to use Lead tokens within the "mailto" link.

<a style="color: #0088cc; text-decoration:none;" href="{{my.alert_thirdBroker}}&subject=Info%20request:%20{{my.alert_property}}&body=Dear%20{{my.alert_contactName}},%0D%0A%0D%0AI%20am%20interested%20in%20{{my.alert_property}} ({{my.alert_URL}}).%20Please%20contact%20me%20at%20&ndash;%20{{Lead.Email Address}}.%0D%0A%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A{{Lead.First Name}}">Email Broker</a>

I can load html containing this chunk into Marketo, but when I try to Approve Draft I get a message saying that "
Error approving CRE/B-Feature_B140-170 EB 2014-09-05.Email-1 — {{Lead.Email%20Address}}: Token key not found

Marketo adds the ASCII space. I've tried uploading html that already contains the ASCII "%20" space. I've also tried using &nbsp; for that space. I've also tried manually changing it inside Marketo from "%20" to a plain space.

When I manually update it to a plain space, the I can Approve Draft and launch the message, but when I click on the mailto link the email body cuts off where that Lead token should appear.

How can I get Lead Token to work inside the mailto body?

Tags (1)

Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link

I can't reproduce. Can you do this:
  1. Edit a region in your email using the rich-text editor.
  2. Enter the text you want, including text that should be a link ("Email Broker").
  3. Highlight "Email Broker" and click the "hyperlink" button in the rich-text editor.
  4. In the link URL portion, put to see the lead email. It is {{lead.Email Address}}

See if that works. It worked for me.

UPDATE: I also tested clicking "HTML" in the rich-text editor, and manually entering <a style="color: #0088cc; text-decoration: none;" href=" {{lead.First Name}}, your email is {{Lead.Email Address}}">Email Broker</a> and that worked for me as well. You would probably want to add "mktNoTrack" to these type of links so that it doesn't re-direct users through our tracking server.

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Re: Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link


Level 10

Re: Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link

I can't reproduce. Can you do this:
  1. Edit a region in your email using the rich-text editor.
  2. Enter the text you want, including text that should be a link ("Email Broker").
  3. Highlight "Email Broker" and click the "hyperlink" button in the rich-text editor.
  4. In the link URL portion, put to see the lead email. It is {{lead.Email Address}}

See if that works. It worked for me.

UPDATE: I also tested clicking "HTML" in the rich-text editor, and manually entering <a style="color: #0088cc; text-decoration: none;" href=" {{lead.First Name}}, your email is {{Lead.Email Address}}">Email Broker</a> and that worked for me as well. You would probably want to add "mktNoTrack" to these type of links so that it doesn't re-direct users through our tracking server.
Not applicable

Re: Lead tokens aren't registering in "mailto" link

Justin, thank you, your suggestion got us on the right track.

We realized that we needed to manually enter the Lead tokens with the the designer in Marketo, otherwise Marketo wasn't recognizing the Lead tokens.

Also, we had an issue where I had entered the html entity for an ndash in the email, and that was not processing correctly -- which explained why the text was cutting off at that point, even after getting Marketo to recognize the Lead tokens.

Both issues are resolved and this is working now. Thanks again for your help!