Salesforce Sync Error

Not applicable

Salesforce Sync Error

I have a lead in Marketo that is pulling up an error when I try to sync to SFDC. There are two leads with his name/email in marketo. Could this be the issue? The error message I am getting is that the lead contains invalid characters. Here is an image of the issue.

Here is the lead we are having issues with...
Tags (1)
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Salesforce Sync Error

One of the fields has invalid characters somewhere. Click on the Lead ID # and review the fields. Then remove the character.

Could be a nonsense char in a field or Integer fields instead of a #. Or  it could be Asian characters in a field that cannot accept them.

Can you ask (or find out) which fields in SFDC are restricted?
Not applicable

Re: Salesforce Sync Error

Hey Josh,

Thx for the reply. I have admin access to marketo and salesforce, so how would I go about finding the fields in SFDC that are restricted? 
Marketo Employee

Re: Salesforce Sync Error

Hey Colby,

This is usually unrelated to field validation, and is instead related to invalid XML chars.  I'd recommend Adding the failed lead to a static list, exporting all columns in the list, and opening the resulting CSV in Notepad++.  Set the Encoding menu to UTF-8 and it should highlight any nonstandard or invisible characters in black.  These are the likely culprits for the error.