Landing Page Editor Problems

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Landing Page Editor Problems

Is anyone else struggling with the landing page editor recently? I noticed I cannot find the Grid option to help align elements - it seems to have been replaced by some seriously unhelpful guide lines.

I'm also having this weird problem where an object will get stuck to my pointer and I can't place it anywhere and I have to close the window to be able to continue editing.

I'm getting reports from other users in my instance that this is a problem - anyone else having a similar experience?

Tags (1)
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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

I think there may be a new bug recently introduced around objects being stuck to pointers (I've seen a few posts), I'm speaking with engineering now to look for a fix, but if you can reproduce this please file a case with support- it would be extremely helpful.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

This is apparently a known issue - I started a thread around this a couple weeks ago:

The problem is it doesn't happen all the time and it's difficult for Marketo to replicate.  But given that others are also seeing this, there's no doubt that the issue does exist.
Level 4

Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

It's happened to me too! Last Friday, it happened twice.  I just ended up close out of Marketo and signing back in which fixed it.  Next time it happens I will be sure to call support to log the issue. 
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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

This has been happening to me for the last week.  To reproduce in Chrome, insert a logo or something like that (graphic), add in a text box, perform a couple of editing tasks on a landing page.  After a couple of tasks being done, then try to go in and add in another graphic and it will stick to your cursor.  I have had to ctrl-alt-delete and shut the entire window down once my curson gets stuck and it is a pain.  I literally have to close the landing page I am working on after two or three edits or I have the sticky widget issue.  Not very productive.  Happens in Chrome, IE and Firefox. 
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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

Yes, this happened to me yesterday. It's very annoying. I had to close the window and then reopen it. I use Chrome.
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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

If anyone can somewhat reliable reproduce it, please do reach out to support. It'll help us fix it faster. In the mean time, engineering looking for a fix. These unreliable ones are tricky to go fast on.
Marketo Employee

Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

Support is aware of the issue and Engineering is working on a fix.
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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

Engineering has confirmed a patch and is pushing to production.  The stickiness should be fixed soon.

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Re: Landing Page Editor Problems

I understant there may be a bug, but is there any solution to the missing grid. The guides seem a little bit useless when I'm trying to orient the asset on my pages.