Re: Landing Page Design

Level 4

Landing Page Design

I'm looking for some best practices on landing page design.  Does anyone have any pages that have gone above and beyond normal engagement?
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Re: Landing Page Design

Hi Jessica,
It all depends on your audience. I have had 2 completely differently designed pages preform great! Marketo has some pretty sharp looking landing pages (not mobility optimized) but look good and if you know some CSS you can move things around.

Level 4

Re: Landing Page Design

Thanks Andy!

We are using our landing pages for our B2B customers, and in most of the landing pages we insert a form to gain more customer insight/information. 
Level 7

Re: Landing Page Design

I love reading articles like this to get great ideas on things to try and what NOT to do:
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Re: Landing Page Design

Hey Jessica,

I have found with most of my B2B pages if i use a small banner image (or no image at all and just header and sub head text) and add the form to the right side of the page i get better results. But Marketo has a great testing tool for landing pages so i would strongly suggest using that.

You never know what works unless you know what doesn't.

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Re: Landing Page Design

My own personal tips:
  1. Form as high up on the page as possible, right side works best, and always highlighted with a differentiating color/container behind it. 5 fields maximum. 
  2. Minimize other potential those for your THANK YOU page. 
  3. DO use supporting "reason to believe" content like testimonials or stats to support the content. If you have them.
  4. DO use bullets (3-4 max) to tell the prospect why they should fill your form out. Remember to highlight benefits not features.
  5. DO feature a short "About Us" type blurb near your copyright footer. Not everyone will know who you are and why they should trust you.
  6. DO NOT write long boring copy unless your audience has tested positively for it. 
  7. Reinforce trust by adding a short "We don't share, rent, or sell your information to anyone" or similar privacy statement near your form. Ours is small font but is always there.
  8. K.I.S.S. 

I also recommend looking at sites like UNBOUNCE if you want some creative ideas. A lot depends on your audience and your specific call-to-action for the page.