Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

Please add this as well, Greg:


Level 10

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

Hi Devraj,



Level 10

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

added this one:

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features


what a staggering list.  Since its creation, have you taken any of these items off or does it just keep growing?

One thing I've found frustrating - when editing email template code the auto save is often quite slow meaning preview doesn't always reflect changes without a subsequent refresh.  A 'Save and preview' option would be awesome.



Level 10

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

Hi Jo,

The list mostly increasing. I understand that a very large part of these items require the release of the new front-end framework (A.K.A Project Mercury or the new UI).


Level 3

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

I second pretty much everything and I've voted on many. My mind was blown when I started using Marketo and saw the many features it lacked in comparison to many of it's smaller competitors. There are only 2 features I feel recommend it, email editor 2.0 custom templates (also as you said the GA link tagging missing is just sad) and the Engagement program. Here's the thing, while I like the structure of the engagement program, in everything else I'd rather have my visual program flow. We are also considering our options, but I work with a content team who also works in Marketo so a good customizable email editor is very important. I really want Marketo to up their game in a big way.

Not applicable

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

This is the most beautiful list I've seen. Thank you for taking the time to do this, it must have taken hours.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

It's become an evolution (since 2016).  But yes, I'm sure it took Greg hours (and days) to produce the initial list.  You might be interested in some of his other all-inclusive list of related ideas:

Email editor 2.0 is leaving room for a v2.1

Level 3 - Champion Alumni

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

You are singing to the choir. I run into these things every day, and I'm just realizing I've become numb to them because I've been working in Marketo for so long.

Kelly Jo Horton
Senior Client Partner

Level 10

Re: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

I have been working with Marketo for 8 years, and on more than 60 instances... Vote and have people around you vote.