Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

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Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Is there a way to upload a list of people (in this case, newsletter recipients) only to a program and keep it isolated from the lead database? 

We have a group of individuals that will receive a monthly newsletter, who can be considered "non-leads" -- partners, alumni, various stakeholders. Ideally, we would like to send these newsletter through Marketo BUT they cannot be mixed into the lead database and subsequently be entered into inapplicable marketing campaigns. 

I'm hoping to find a solution that does not require creating a new field. 🙂 Thank you! 
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Level 2

Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

I can think of a couple options. Both involve dropping leads into a static list or program (i.e. "Newsletter only")
  1. Create a Global Exclusion List that references your static list/program, and include Member of Smart List NOT IN Global Excluslion List in all your marketing campaigns going forward.
  2. Marketing Suspend your static list. Remove the suspension when you send out your newsletter blast, and then reinstate it once you've blasted your newsletter to them.
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Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Thanks, Sam. The second option seems like the best option for us. Can you please tell me how I would go about setting a list as Marketing Suspended and then remove the suspension for an email send? 
Level 2

Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Hi Elizabeth,

You can have a smart campaign that listens for leads added to your static list (i.e. Newsletter only). 

Trigger = Added to list "Newsletter only"
Flow = Change Data Value "Marketing Suspended" // New Value = TRUE

This essentially acts as an unsubscribe (but you control it) - they will still receive operational emails, but be blocked from non-operational marketing emails. Discussion here. Please note though, if a lead was already unsubscribed = true, they will still be blocked from emails regardless.

When are you ready to send out your email, just include a step or smart campaign to change data value "marketing suspend = FALSE" for your static (newsletter only) list, and change back to TRUE after your email blast. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!
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Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Thank you, Sam! I appreciate it -- this is really helpful. 
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Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Hi again, 

Another question on this topic came up as I was thinking through a global subscription center. If someone opts in for the newsletter as well as marketing promotions - how can they be a part of both lists? 

Basically, can someone in the newsletter list also receive lead gen activities? 


Level 2

Re: Isolating a list - tagging "non-leads" as newsletter recipients only?

Hi Elizabeth,

Regarding the process I posted earlier, I would only recommend using it for leads who are solely "newsletter only." Leads who are opting in for both newsletter + marketing emails should not go on the "newsletter only" list. 

If you are operating a global subscription center, I normally see systems set up with multiple checkbox fields such as "Opt In - Newsletter; Opt In - Marketing Emails; Opt In - Events" When you run your newsletter campaign, you can always use a Smart List filter for "Opt-In Newsletter IS True", etc.

Does that make sense? Otherwise, feel free to shoot me an email at Cheers.