For a campaign that includes a workshop registration we want to limit the number of participants to a certain number. After exceeding this limit, a different email should be send to the visitors to tell them that registration is not possible anymore. I ve looked through all the options in Marketo about the possibility to use a specific number of list entries as a trigger - but without a solution.
Are there any ideas how to tackle this question?
Hi Horst,
There is no out-of-the-box functionality to count occurences across multiple leads.
As a happy coincidence I was doing some reasearch on this topic this morning. Check out Cap event attendees with form logic? and the reply by Sanford Whiteman
Yes, there are several threads on this, and none really solve this.
Check the Ideas forum to vote that up.
The alternative is to just watch the count carefully by sending yourself an alert after every Reg (if it's not too many)