Re: Is it possible to configure Visits Web Page to exclude thank you pages.

Level 2

Is it possible to configure Visits Web Page to exclude thank you pages.

I've read all the discussions here, tried a few of the solutions, and yet I'm unable to "ignore" the thank-you page.


My setup:

We have several pages with an embedded Marketo form. We display a thank-you page after form submit.


I want to trigger an interesting moment when:

A separate program contains the Interesting Moment using the 

Visits Web Page

web page contains demo


I tried adding:


Visited Web Page

web page not contains thank-you


with no luck. the trigger fires the Visits Webpage

Here's the flow step


Is this possible?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is it possible to configure Visits Web Page to exclude thank you pages.

You can easily exclude/include any pages in the trigger’s Web Page constraint.


But of course it’s going to be a problem if one page is /demo-signup and another one is called /demo-thank-you and you try to constrain on [contains] “demo”. You’ve shot yourself in the foot but not making them sufficiently different.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Is it possible to configure Visits Web Page to exclude thank you pages.

In addition, the filter you added does not make any sense. Your trigger now fires if someone visits a web page containing demo and in the past 5 minutes they also visited any page that does not contain thank-you. There's a few reasons why this will not work:

  • You are not looking to exclude people who visited any page not containing thank-you, but to specifically people NOT visiting a page containing thank-you.
  • However, someone visiting the demo page and filling out the form will have both of these activities, so the exclusion would work counterproductive, even if you inserted it correctly.
  • On top of that, the sequence is off. As the demo page is visited before the thank you page, the thank you page visit will not be logged when the trigger goes off.

As @SanfordWhiteman says, the only really reliable way to do this is to make sure your naming of pages is sufficiently mutually exclusive to be very precise in your constraint. However, I do think there is a work around. If the url of both the demo page and thank you page is too similar to make your constraint work, you could restrict your smart campaign to run once every hour or so. If the person then visits the demo request, the trigger fires. On the subsequent form fill and viist to the thank you page, normally speaking the time lapse is within the 1 hour window and the trigger will not fire again. By no means absolutely foolproof, but will work in the majority of cases. But again, making sure you can be more explicit in your constraint is the only proper way to solve this.