Re: Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

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Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

I would like to add text areas to a template, so others know to click there to add text/headlines, and won't make the page look bad. is this possible?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

It should be. Use the following tags to bracket the areas in question:

<DIV class="mktEditable" id="unique_id_per_section"> AREA TO EDIT </DIV>

this works for Email Templates, but I've never tried it myself on Landing Pages. It *should* work. Try to keep it within table cells otherwise it tends to not work well.

You could also provide a blank template design where it is obvious what to do. OR create a basic template, then add the text boxes and filler images and have people Clone that page.
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Re: Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

Adding the class "mktEditable" doesn't work correctly for landing pages, unfortunately. For each itteration of the class (each of which must have it's own unique ID) the editor will show the element with a dashed border around it, but won't allow any editing of the text within.

It's a shame, and something Marketo should consider implementing as soon as possible IMO.
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Re: Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

Has anyone found any new information on how to add editable text sections within a marketo landing page template?
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Re: Is it possible to add an editable text area in a landing page template?

This is not acceptable.