Re: Invalid Emails

Level 3

Invalid Emails


I set up a smart list for each email send for invalid emails (hard bounce category 2) and have come across this scenario:

We have an imported list (and suppress marketing suspended records) that we email an event invite to and get back X amount of invalid emails. I have triple checked that those emails are then marked as "marketing suspended" through an active trigger campaign. About a week later we'll send a second invite to the same people, minus anyone that's already registered, but then we'll see that we get even more email invalids from that second send. Shouldn't any invalids already be marked as marketing suspended and not have been included on that second send? 

Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Invalid Emails

Shouldn't any invalids already be marked as marketing suspended and not have been included on that second send?

Yes, if you implemented the logic you described. It's easy to see if those people were marked as Marketing Suspended, there won't be any mystery once you look in their Activity Log.

You said "more email invalids" -- are these newly invalid? If so then, by definition, there's no reason for them to have been suppressed before.

Level 3

Re: Invalid Emails

Hi Sanford,

It looks like the first email was delivered fine for these records, but somehow bounced as a category 2 during the second email. We didn't receive any "no longer with company" auto responders for these either. What could possibly cause this?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Invalid Emails

A mailserver is under no obligation to tell you the real reason (i.e. antispam filter) that resulted in your email being rejected. Claiming the recipient is generally invalid is their call.