Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Marketo Employee

Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Hi Guys,

Now Marketo being a part of Adobe Digital Experience platforms. I am curious to know as to what all Adobe products our customers want/wish to have integrated with Marketo that could help their marketing effort or could possibly solve a business requirement.

Please add your comments in below format:

Name of the Adobe Product:

A Reason why you think Marketo integration with help:
Priority Rating (out of 10): 

Level 10

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

  • I've yammered about this about 100 times to any Adobe employee who will listen, but please please please don't forget about Brackets! I would be over the moon for an integration that used the REST API to pull emails and landing page templates (or possibly the assets themselves), let you edit them in Brackets, and then publish them again in Marketo. This would greatly improve frontend dev workflow (coding in the UI is painful), and Dreamweaver isn't used by any modern web developers at this point.
  • CID generation and auto-tagging to URLs for Adobe Analytics integration.
  • UI-friendly Typekit integration for emails and landing pages--basically, allow users who are less technically savvy to license and use Adobe Fonts in their emails and landing pages without any friction. Font gets added to the editor UI, @import and the like are automatically added to templates, etc.
  • Bake a real solution for PDF tracking and analytics that plays nicely with Document Cloud—this is a common point of confusion for users ("How can I see who looked at my PDF?") and there's some cool functionality that could be done. For example, think of a marketing department offering a beta to some of their customers: they could send out an Adobe Sign document with the NDA for the beta and then be able to trace who opened the document, signed off (or left comments) and report on the success through Marketo progression statuses. No reconciliation needed.
  • You know, there's this whole Magento product and there's no ecommerce integration at all in Marketo as of today...
Marketo Employee

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Awesome  ! These are some great use cases. Now let me ask you this if you have to prioritize these integrations, how would you rate them out of 10 (10 being top priority)

Level 5

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Wow, I totally forgot Brackets was an Adobe product until just now, but definitely a +1 on that one.

Level 8

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

We have created a custom solution for Marketo Magento integration using custom objects. 

Harish Gupta
Marketo Employee

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Awesome!  can you please share few use cases for which you have this custom solution for?

Level 8

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Hi Sreekanth, I have created the use cases for Abandoned cart, Account creation, Order confirmation, Password reset, Nurture setup, Reporting solution


Harish Gupta
Level 9

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products


I think asset sharing and creation is the simplest insertion point to have integration. A couple easy examples:

  • Asset sharing and DAM access in Marketo would be a huge win and reduce steps needed to build assets and email assets that leverage the same (for example) image assets that of the landing page. 
  • Allowing AEM users to create Marketo form assets or smart campaign without leaving the AEM when creating pages/assets in AEM.
Marketo Employee

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

Agreed, this will definitely improve productivity in the creation of assets. 

Level 5

Re: Integration of Marketo with Adobe products

I'd love to be able to utilize the DAM assets in AEM without importing a copy into Marketo.  Its a pain to manage assets in multiple places.