Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

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Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi All,

We are having a huge problem on our duplicate and one of the source that we have notice is that.

We have a Portal Account(third party form) and when they register they are sync firms on salesforce as (contact or person account) then sync to marketo.

And if the record sign up first on marketo forms like free trials. A record will be created first at marketo then will remain in marketo until it reach our threshold.

That is why we have a huge problem on our duplicate.

Because if they sign up first on marketo form (a record will be created on marketo only because they have not reach or threshold) and for example they sign up on our portal the sameday they will have a new record on salesforce either person account or contact.

We have a lot of combination of duplicates.

Marketo only records and SFDC Person account

Marketo only records and SFDC Contact

Marketo only records and SFDC Lead

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

And also what do you think  about our portal form wherein all prospect will already become a contact and person account without being lead even tho they don't have any engagement?

Note: They told me before that a contacts are the one who are already qualified by our inside sales to have an opportunity or will be useful soon. but they created a portal account and now our list of salesforce contacts are 98% unqualified most of them don't even have any engagement just sign up and will never go back



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

  • Sync all records
  • Install deduping system on both ends (RingLead, LeanData, or whatever)
  • Consider having the Portal send data to Marketo API instead of SFDC. But I don't understand your current use case, so you'd really have to map that out before you do so.
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Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi Josh,

i appreciate your prompt response to this matter,

I am also thinking of the same just like what you have write on your marketing rockstar guide and just put those unqualified on queue but the problem is we have millions on marketo only record. How can it affect our cost of storage on sfdc?

We are currently using dupeblocker and dupecatcher but it can only be use if they are already in sfdc.

I will try to look for that marketo API since We are b2c and b2b I don't know yet how can it affect our software portal account and if they both a license for our software or webstore booking ect. But this is noted. Thanks Alot Josh



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Marketo API won't help, only hurt. The complex routing you're doing needs to happen in SFDC.

Level 4

Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi Jas,

As you pointed out, it might be a good idea to sit down with your sales team and decide what happens to your portal signups... it might make more sense to have them created as leads, rather than accounts and contacts since they need to go through a qualification process. Also, when your leads signup via Marketo, maybe it would make sense to sync them over as leads earlier. That way if they also sign up for something via your portal, they are already in the database.  There are several AppExchange tools that can help you manage duplicates like DupeCatcher, DupeBlocker, etc.


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Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi Liz,

I have been askign them about this question. And It guys just told me that leads can't have a portal accoutn only PA and Contact. I am also thinking of suggesting synching them all but we have millions of marketo only records. I don;t iknow how can it affect us regarding on cost or on IT side.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

You literally have millions of Marketo-only leads that aren't aging out? That sounds pretty strange to me.

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Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi Sandord,

Thank you for this reply. Well yes. Most of them are the leads from our previous marketing automtion platform. we just imported it. I really want to delete those records specially most of them don't have any activity and they are on our deadbase. They don't want to delete those record because they ask "WHAT IF THEY WILL COME BACK". We have 3 million marketo only leads and most of them are not being nurture since they are on deadbased. If only we could delete that and maybe we can sync all records.

anyway thanks and can I also ask about your opinion about what do you think about our IT making prospect a Person account/contact already after signing up on our account?

Thank you so much!


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

As long as you continue to have competitive "sources of truth" you won't be able to solve this (except partially by using a 3rd-party dedupe tool).

Even syncing all SFDC to Marketo -- while better than what you have -- won't be a complete solution because a Marketo form could create someone in the interim period before the next SFDC sync. If your source forms are closely linked on your website such that someone could easily hop from one to the other, this'll still be a problem.

From the description you've provided, it sounds to me like you should standardize on SFDC as the source and stop using Marketo forms.

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Re: Integration Help. I'm desperate :(

Hi Sanford,

i appreciate your prompt response to this matter. I haven't really though about usign one form only by sfdc which is I think i could also ask them about it.

Thanks alot Sanford

