We have a form that has progressive profiling, but we also have an additional field we want to include AFTER that progressive profiling box.
See below for an image.
Is there any way to do this? Insight/workarounds would be great!
We have the same problem. Following to see the answers people have come up with
You are not able to drag it below the box unfortunately, perhaps put it at the top of the Form?
Yes, you can modify the javascript to control this. I do not have example copy, but a developer can look at the code and rules from developers.marketo.com to do this. I have seen it done.
Is it user friendly?
I have also seen people put multiple forms on a page and control them with Javascript. It's not too difficult if you know Javascript, but if not it won't be easy.
I'd say it's very developer-friendly, close to a no-brainer for a front end dev. It isn't something for users to do (well, they might get lucky with copy-and-paste but won't understand what's going on). MktoForms2 :: Move Field is a quick demonstration of moving fields around in the form. In the demo, I move the LastName down to be near the Opt-In. You can watch it switch places because I gave it a 2-second delay for fun (you wouldn't put such a delay in production).