Thanks for your thoughts. Here's more detail that might be useful. We upload our lists every weekday. All campaigns are triggered, and need to be. The scoring smart campaigns are not dependent on each other.
The chain of events is as follows:
- Leads are created or updated, and this triggers partition assignment.
- At the same time, we are also triggering "agent assignment" smart campaigns based off the lead being created or updated, and the flow steps "assign" the lead to an agent or to the general pool
- Once the agent assignment happens, emails are then triggered. The agent assignment needs to happen first because the emails are customized using the agent contact information.
Emails need to go out as the agent is assigned. The processing time of the file upload varies each day depending on the size of the file. On Mondays, for example, we can have up to 30,000 leads, and processing can run through 4pm in the afternoon. Emails need to go out starting out in the morning, as it drives calls to our agents or the call center and waiting until 4pm means a call load starting at 4pm, and lower email open rates.What we are trying to accomplish is inserting the scoring piece before the agent assignment so that we can assign based on the score. Higher scoring leads are routed to an agent, while lower scoring leads are routed to a pool of contacts directing leads to contact our call center.
So it would look like: Scoring --> Agent Assignment --> Email Send
To give you an idea of what our processing looks like, at any given moment after the file upload happens, we can have up to 167 campaigns running in the Campaign Queue - including email sends, agent assignment and partition assignment.
Here is the scoring criteria. We score based on whether there is a discount attached to the lead or not, lead time equates to how many days out they want their delivery - over or under 90 days out from today's date, mileage over or under 500 miles, whether the origination locations for their delivery are categorized as good or neutral locations, and
whether the destination locations for their delivery are categorized as good or bad locations.