Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

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Level 2

Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

Hi everyone,


I've recently synced Marketo with Salesforce and now I'd like to send all the contacts I have in my Marketo database to Salesforce, I've tried to find informations on the Internet but it seems that most topics talk about importing contact FROM Salesforce TO Marketo and not the other way.

If anybody could give me some tips about it, it would help me a lot.


EDIT: I found how to send those contacts to SF but I have another problem : As i'm working with politician, they don't have a proper "Company" as Marketo and Salesforce understand it and when I tried syncing everything I got an error message telling me the "Company" field was missing. As they are related to a region, I was thinking about putting their region as their company but I do think its a good practice, any idea about it ?




Accepted Solutions
Level 2

Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

Thanks both of you for your answers,


I figured out how to solve the problem, 

As Michael said Salesforce won't allow a lead to be created without a company value and I realized that Marketo had an option to set a default value for those kinds of fields.

So, when you're on the "admin" page, in the Salesforce tab ("Integration" section), you can click on "Edit sync options". From there you can see a field called , and in this field I typed "Not provided" and everything went fine when I sent all of my contact to Salesforce, no more error message. You can do that for Last names as well, I don't know what's the use of it but it might be interesting to know.

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Level 10

Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

First of all, I think it's a Salesforce business rule to not allow a lead to be created with an empty company value. Your Salesforce admin might be able to change that, if it doesn't work for you.


Well, and if you need to fill in _something_ although you don't know what it should be, I guess I'd rather use a placeholder like "n/a". Region doesn't sound right to me either. Don't have at least something like:

Person: Bernie Sanders

Company: State of Vermont


Yes, not a company, but at least meaningful.

Level 2 - Champion

Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

I have run a smart campaign that is a data value update and I place the full name token in the company field.  this works well if you are doing B2C.


in the same flow after you do that you can then use the sync person to SFDC flow step or send to SFDC Campaign if you need them corralled in SF too.  if you use the latter, then the campaign needs to be made in SF first and takes about 30 minutes to sync over for the dropdown.

Level 2

Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

Thanks both of you for your answers,


I figured out how to solve the problem, 

As Michael said Salesforce won't allow a lead to be created without a company value and I realized that Marketo had an option to set a default value for those kinds of fields.

So, when you're on the "admin" page, in the Salesforce tab ("Integration" section), you can click on "Edit sync options". From there you can see a field called , and in this field I typed "Not provided" and everything went fine when I sent all of my contact to Salesforce, no more error message. You can do that for Last names as well, I don't know what's the use of it but it might be interesting to know.

Level 1

Re: Importing contacts from Marketo to Salesforce

@LucasDF Hi there, and thank you!

Appreciate your follow-up by explaining your solution! With Marketo being primarily B2B and Enterprise clients, I always wondered how I would set up when I worked in the construction industry or residential building. Most of our clients were Interior Designers, of which several did not have a Company Name. I can also see the benefit of using the Data Value flow step to change Company Name to something else if we thought it made better sense.

Thanks again for the use case! 

Gabrielle Richey