Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

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Level 10

Re: Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

You might try and rename the files to NOT include the "@" symbol (@2x) -- it looks like this is getting translated to "%40" in the URL you get from Design Studio. I've run into issues with this kind of thing before and normally strip that part out before I load anything into Marketo. 


In my experience, you can use "-" and "_" (dash and low dash) in a file name, but try to avoid any other special characters such as "@" or " " (spaces). 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

A literal “@” is perfectly valid in the path part of URLs, both in the standard and in Marketo. And the URL doesn’t even contain a literal “@” — it contains a URL-encoded “@” which is valid in all cases.


I think we’re getting off the topic, which is that there’s an ad blocker in play.

Level 10

Re: Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

Since I sometimes see this come up and because of the types of images in question: are those files initially hosted on a different Marketo instance before being used in emails for this instance? Cross-instance images can run into CORS issues occasionally in the editor, though they will render correctly in the final email. 

Level 3

Re: Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

They're hosted in the same instance, but thank you for the info, good to know! 

Level 2

Re: Images not displaying in Marketo in Google Chrome

Hey @Elena_S,
Did you tried using Incognito mode. And Yes @SanfordWhiteman  is correct that net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT  errors are typically caused by an ad-blocking plugin, such as Adblock Plus. To test this, either use a different browser or uninstall the ad blocking plugin. In Chrome, use incognito mode without any extension. Also, these mentioned Social Icon links are working may be there is a type error. 

Also, Is this issue persists in other Browsers too??
Also why don't you simply upload these icon and use it.  
