I'm loving Campaign Inspector ... you?

Level 3 - Champion

I'm loving Campaign Inspector ... you?

Who has enabled Campaign Inspector and how much do you love it? 

I've just turned it on today, and already finding so much value 👏 ... especially for a start-of-a-fresh-new-year instance audit & tidy up. If you haven't enabled it yet, I'd definitely recommend. Its a hidden gem - pun intended 😎 since you find it in the Treasure Chest in the admin panel:


I'd love to hear stories of different uses people have found for it...

Level 5 - Champion

Re: I'm loving Campaign Inspector ... you?

This feature is very handy and acts as a central location where you can see all the campaigns in their active/inactive/recurring/already run/never run stages.


I was once troubleshooting CRM sync issues and was locating the campaigns having setup to sync leads on certain criteria. The campaign inspector saved from manually reviewing campaign flows by simply searching sync to CRM flow step in the search bar below and it listed out all the relevant campaigns. 

It also has an export feature available that exports campaign data in excel format that's also easy to review the campaigns.

