Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

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How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

Hello maketo nation!

Hope you guys can help me out with this.

Question -

I need to send two emails alternatively to a large audience. There are no rules involved here, just two random emails to be sent. I tried to do this with the help of tokens but I seem to be stuck. Can you guys help me out please.

Appreciate your time and effort.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

That's a bit unclear.

If you want to do an AB test, there are several options.

  1. use Random Sample to split the list before or during the flow. There are dozens of docs here on how to do this.
    1. Send Email A if Random Sample=50
      1. Send Email B as default
  2. Send Email AB test option
  3. Champion Challenger (if using trigger or Engagement).
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Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

Hi Josh,

Thanks for taking your time to reply me.

1. So does this mean that by using Random sampling I will be able to send 2 emails, for example: Emails A and B to the leads in my database without sorting them (in terms of seniority, country etc. )?

2. A small insight on Champion Challenger would help.

If yes, then can you please provide me with a link that explains this particular scenario.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

Random Sample in a Flow step of a Batch SC performs no other sorting or filtering on any fields. Have you tested this feature? It's not difficult to learn.

Have you read docs and Community posts on Champion/Challenger?

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Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

Hi Sanford,

Thanks for the quick reply. I am aware of that but the problem that I have is to know whether there is a possibility of doing this by using email script or any other way where I have to mention two different contents under one location and depending on the keyword or something, this content alternates between people?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How to send 2 emails alternatively for a large crowd

other way where I have to mention two different contents under one location and depending on the keyword or something, this content alternates between people?

If you want to create a random effect but only for people within your total list that match certain criteria, you can use a Velocity script and $math.random.

However, the values from $math.random will not be an even round-robin "alternation" from a central sequence (A-B-A-B-A-B). They will be values pulled off a pseudorandom number generator, thus random enough over time but can dole out values like A-A-B-A-B-B-A.