Re: How to get a Segment's smart list id?

Level 3

How to get a Segment's smart list id?

Dear Community,

My question is similar to How to get an Email Program's smart list id?, which had an easy answer:


Is it possible to programatically retrieve the smart list criteria for a segment?


The Get Segments for Segmentation endpoint lists me the asset ids for each segment in a segmentation. However, unlike with programs, there seems to be no "/rest/asset/v1/segmentation/{id}/smartList.json" endpoint. Still, the userinterface indicates that Marketo uses a usual smart list in the background - if you navigate to a segment, it has a smart list tab, and that tab's url ends with a typical /SL12345C3 . So I am not hopeless, and maybe I've overseen something obvious again... 


Thank you once again in advance! 😊



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How to get a Segment's smart list id?

This is a great question! All the asset endpoints are documented in the developer page you've linked- if it doesn't exist there (I checked, and couldn't find the GET segmentation SL endpoint), I don't think it'd be possible to do so just yet. Curious to understand the use case behind this though. Do you want to export the SL criteria and save it somewhere for future reference?


Level 3

Re: How to get a Segment's smart list id?

Thanks for looking into it, Darshil_Shah1.


@Darshil_Shah1 wrote:

 Do you want to export the SL criteria and save it somewhere for future reference?

Yes, sort of. In scenarios, where several people work on segmentations, and where there are many segments with a lot of filters and filter values, I would find it much easier to navigate through (and debug) segmentation cascades using, for instance, interactive tables, which hold everything around segmentation in a workspace in one place, instead of going through segments in the user interface. And with a smartlist endpoint, I believe one could create such a table easily. (At least I appreciate such tables already when working in a bigger lead scoring framework.)