Hey Folks,
So I'm trying to extract some information from the referring URL field on the form fill out activity page but, I can't find a viable solution to accomplish this. Is this field supposed to map to original referrer? The issue is that original referrer is grabbing the domain name in the URL but leaving the query string behind. any help would be appreciated.
Can you provide the form and more detail on what data you want? What do you want to do with that data?
You can see Original Referrer and leverage QueryString in the trigger/filter, but there are often easier methods with URL parameter/hidden fields.
Hi Josh,
Thank you for the reply, I don't think I explained my question very well. So when I go into a lead's activity log and navigate to the form fill out activity I can click on the activity and pull up that small window and in that I can see the full referring URL with all the utms attached under the _mktoReferrer field. The issue is I don't see a way to access that information in the smartlist view, original referrer just shows a stripped URL. We do track utms and pass them in hidden fields through the forms the issue is we had a problem where one of the UTM fields wasn't being tracked properly and now I'm trying to find a way to pull that info retroactively but the only place where I can see the utm I am looking for is on the form fill activity in someones activity log. My question is how do i extract this info from that field or do i just have to go through each persons activity log and manually pull the info I want?
You should check this blog post, Austin: http://blog.teknkl.com/url-query-string-in-visit-web-page-triggers/
But if you're using a Fills Out Form trigger I don't see why you wouldn't add the current web page and its referrer as hidden fields, which you can then use to populate a history field or whatever.
form.addHiddenFields({LastFormURL : document.location.href,
LastFormReferrer : document.referrer
Original Referrer isn't really the move here, because it's only stamped once.
Hey Sanford,
Thanks for the reply, this is definitely helpful going forward.
As Josh mentioned. I would create hidden fields on the form that capture the parameters such as utm_source utm_campaign etc and then trigger off of values in those fields.
You can't without API and a talend like tool to pull the logs.
Which is why people use hidden fields.
You can attempt to use Filled Out Form with Querystring along with Original Referrer...
I figured that was the case but, I wanted to get a second opinion before I start pulling down info manually.
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.