How do I update the copyright date?

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How do I update the copyright date?

I need to know how to update the copyright date from 2017 to 2018. More specifically, how do I update the copyright date that shows up in the footer of a landing page? Please see attachment to see what I am referring to.


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I update the copyright date?


Highlight this landing page from the left navigation menu. You can then see which landing page template it is using and you can click on it to be redirected. This is where you can change the date at the footer.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I update the copyright date?


Highlight this landing page from the left navigation menu. You can then see which landing page template it is using and you can click on it to be redirected. This is where you can change the date at the footer.

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Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it! I was able to update.

Level 9

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Usually you can just double click the area and edit. If not on the specific landing page, go to the template it's using and try there.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Hey Ashley,

To piggy-back off of Amanda's and Devraj's responses, now is a good time to go through all of your landing page and email templates to make sure there aren't any references to old copyright years. You should also check your unsubscribe footer just in case.

If you edit the templates, you can mass-approve all the pages/emails referencing those templates once you finish your updates so that you can be sure every asset is up-to-date.

I might recommend creating a folder token in your highest level folders (usually any folders on the same level as Active Marketing Programs) called {{my.Copyright Year}} and set the value as 2018. You can plug this token directly into any of your email/landing page templates, and then when 2019 comes around, all you have to do is update that token instead of updating all of your templates and re-approving every asset.

Hope this helps!

Level 10

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

This is typically where, when you ask your developpers to create templates, these should be managed with snippets. Once this is done, updating them over a few hundreds of LP takes about 5 minutes


Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Hey Gregoire MichelRachel Noble

Quick question for your thoughts on this.

So for our landing pages we use a script to show the current year so no updating.

We however use snippets for each email footer (one per office/country etc) and hardcode the value. I thought about using a token/script before but as we use Marketo Sales Insight (and the Outlook Plugin) our thoughts were they won't work correct in the latter - I presume that's still the case.

Therefore, would you recommend we just continue with the snippets and update them as necessary (and bulk publish in January). Just wondering if you face that Outlook Plugin issue as well.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

I haven't attempted to reference velocity script tokens in MSI emails (I'm assuming that's the type of script you're referencing but correct me if I'm wrong!). However, I have heard of issues with MSI in Outlook not being able to process HTML emails correctly, so I'd recommend using the snippet to keep MSI emails as simple as possible when referencing them through the Outlook plugin.

Very cool that you guys are using Velocity for copyright date. Not many people think of that option!

Level 10

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Hi Colin,

Yes, use snippets.


Level 10

Re: How do I update the copyright date?

Just a note as someone who hates having to think about these sorts of things: The New Year is Coming. Don't be "That Company" – Update Your Date!