Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

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How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

I want to test Salesforce integration but don't want to risk using corrupting my production instances.
I've heard about Marketo Sandboxes but can't find any information on how to setup it up. Can someone tell me how to go about on setting up a Marketo Sandbox. We already have a Salesforce Sandbox ready to use.
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Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

You need to submit a case to tech support and request that they provision a sandbox for you.
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Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

Hi Elliott, do you mean contact Marketo tech support? Is Marketo Sandbox free? If it is not do you happen to know the pricing schedule on a Marketo Sandbox? e.g. is it per record volume, per user? Cheaper than Production? It seems to me that a completely new instance of Marketo needs to be purchased ( with same pricing as production ) and linked to a sandbox with the "Sandbox" checkbox checked to allow for SF sandbox refresh re-linking. Thank you ahead for information on this.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

Sandbox is not free. Speak to your account manager as there is a cost.

Level 8

Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

Also keep in mind that you also submit tickets to assign out your Marketo sandbox, so it's a good idea of think of a number of people that you'd want to have access instead of having just once.

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Re: How do I setup a Marketo sandbox

Can I test SSO(SAML) in sandbox ?