How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

This may work but I'm not sure how to go about it. We're essentially like DirecTV in that a customer can just go online and pick their channels ala carte and then receive a monthly bill. So Email #2 and #3 would need to contain content about any remaining channels they did not or have not yet sign-up for. I wouldn't even know how to go about that because with even only 5 channels (products) there are 31 possible combination.

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Yes, that would certainly get complicated quickly. You'd need to have a snippet for each option, and then in the email, specify to pull products the person is subscribed to in one section, and then products they're not subscribed to in another. It can be done but it would take time and careful planning. I don't know that it will be a better option than what you're working on there. But it would be a way to handle it all in one email, rather than sending them multiples and needing to suspend them.

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Agreed. Thank you! I didn't realize I was this stupid. One problem I'm having is I'm not 100% sure of A. What the Dynamic Segmentation(s) should be and how many different ones I'll need. B. the Number of Programs needed (In my mind one Nurture program per Product) and C. How each content block get populated with the appropriate snippet.

Correct me if I'm wrong - and I probably am - but in order to pull this off I would need to create Dynamic Segmentations for 1. Product Subscription: YES and 2. Product Subscription: NO for all Products. Then use the snippets to populate each email appropriately - but how exactly? Do I need to do these snippets via Velocity (Email Script) tokens - if not, how is it determined per email?

Forgive me. All my previous lives were much simpler: Segmentations based on Verticals that never crossed and Programs based on Products. Done. Clean and easy.

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

You're definitely not stupid! Marketo, like any other non-custom program, is created to be used by the widest number of people. Some of us need to do non-standard things with it, though, so things get sticky.

We have councils and have a custom field on contact records that is populated with a guid that identifies which council they're on. I believe you already have custom fields that let you know which things people are subscribed to. In our emails, we have a sidebar that will pull the corresponding snippet(s) into it. Each snippet has particular information specific to that council. I don't know anything about Velocity script or how one would use it for this situation. I manually create any snippets needed, which thankfully don't change often.


The snippets are assigned to the segments in the Segmentation area inside the snippet editor.


These are the segmentations in the Database section of Marketo.


I'm sure there are people who could help you create the same for your particular situation, which has a much higher number of combinations than mine does, since our people are limited to at most three choices. But this is the set-up, and it does require custom fields on people's records, with values that differentiate them from each other for the segmentation. We'll be changing our membership model considerably by the end of the year so I might end up having the same situation you do, but not sure yet. That decision is well above my pay grade!

I'll gladly try to answer any questions you have, I just might not know enough to answer them correctly. If I don't, I'll let you know. I don't want to give you bad information.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Yes - good thinking. I was actually wondering if a product-type value being updated when someone shows interest in a new product might be te way to go, then you could perhaps run one nurture and use segmentation to drive the correct content dynamically. It's another thought process to consider.

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Hi Karyn Hill‌! I'm back to this after building all kinds of other worlds out for Canceled Clients and Upsell's. Still struggling to solve the New Clients (subscribers) issue. I've condensed and revised this a bit. I was reluctant to open a new Topic (at this time anyway) since it's specific to this conversation essentially. I think your snippets method might be exactly what I need to do. Maybe not, but I'd like to thoroughly understand it to at least rule it out so I know.

Here is what I'm being told from above that I need to solve for.

Think of our product model as DirecTV. A customer can go online and select (subscribe) to any channel or combination of channels they choose. - So I have 10 ala carte products and a new subscriber signs up to any 1 single product or any number combination up to all 10 products. I only want ONE email to be sent per new subscriber regardless of how many products they subscribed to at one time. Then I will send a 2nd email later. Is it possible - and practical - to acknowledge each product they subscribed to uniquely with a text block and/or image for each AND a different text block promoting the products they did not subscribe to? And if not, what is the best way to handle this type of situation?

I can't figure this out.

So many questions: 1. Segmentation logic 2. Snippets, dynamic emails or unique streams or programs 3. Engagement or Default Programs 4. How to ensure ONLY 1 email regardless of new subscriptions deploys 5. Smart campaign total and goal.

Any thoughts and or advice on how to handle this initial entry via new subscribers would be a life saver. Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Same as your new thread, no?

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Yes, responded here then realized things had changed enough from this original plan to what I am required to do now - which is the new thread post from earlier.

Level 4

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

It looks like Sanford Whiteman has you covered in the other thread. It's currently at the point where I'd be feeling too stupid to continue so KEEP GOING! And remember that a person who knows how to do something really well will often forget to include basic steps and info because it simply doesn't occur to them. 

It can be done without Velocity but it would be really complicated, messy, and require a whole lot of work when a new product is added, or someone decides they need to do something else as well. You're better off learning the new skill, which you will probably be able to apply to other situations in the future and save yourself a lot of annoyance.

Good luck!

Level 10

Re: How do I handle flow of leads that enter multiple programs?

Reading your requirements, the problem you're facing is queuing, with logic, the next comm or set of comms. It _probably_ could be done in Marketo, but the downside would be too many smart campaigns and too many choices in smart campaigns. I've previously set up a nurture where I've outsourced the logic to a php webhook that calculates the next comm and what date the comm should be sent (simplified explanation here). You could apply that idea to what you're trying to do here.

If you want to use webhooks, you'll need access to a server and someone who can code the logic OR if you have a salesforce dev, they may be able to set it up with some apex coding.