How Do I Get the API Name of a Custom Salesforce Sync Object

Level 1

How Do I Get the API Name of a Custom Salesforce Sync Object



I'm syncing an object over from salesforce (AccountContactRelation) into Marketo. I was able to get the object to sync from the contact record and the records seem to have flowed through. 
I was reading that the smart list options were limited for custom objects in the sense that you cannot pull a smart list on it itself, you can only add the 'Has Custom Object' filter and add constraints, which is fine. We can make do with that for segmentation. 

However, my understanding from How to Obtain Marketo Custom Object Data is that I can use the marketo API to pull this information. 

I'm using a call like 


to attempt tot retrieve the information, but it's returning an error that AccountContactRelationships cannot be found. Normally this means I have the wrong API name. I've tried a few different iterations, but cannot find the actual API name. 

So that leads me to two questions:
1. Are Custom Salesforce Objects Synced considered custom objects?
2. If so, how do I get its API name?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How Do I Get the API Name of a Custom Salesforce Sync Object

You can’t access SFDC Custom Objects via the Marketo API. Only Marketo Custom Objects.

Level 1

Re: How Do I Get the API Name of a Custom Salesforce Sync Object

Thanks. I was suspicious of that but couldn't confirm it in the documentation. 

Do you know why the row count between salesforce & marketo would be different? How would you troubleshoot that in Marketo? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How Do I Get the API Name of a Custom Salesforce Sync Object

Start by getting an extract from SFDC of all the people with at least one CO record. Compare that to the Marketo people with at least one SFDC CO, and hopefully you'll see low-hanging fruit of people who should have a CO but don't. Then see what those people have in common in SFDC: permissions, record type, etc.

There are also situations where more Marketo rows exist than SFDC due to ill-timed deletions. Nothing you can do about those unless you unsync and start over.