SFDC Campaign Members can still sync to Marketo, even if the related Contact/Lead no longer syncs

Level 10 - Community Moderator
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Much of MOps is explaining why things that seemingly shouldn’t happen (a) clearly are and (b) with good reason.


Case in point: it’s possible for a Contact’s fields to stop updating from Salesforce ➞ Marketo and vice versa, while that Contact’s new campaign memberships continue to sync to Marketo!


Why? Because SFDC Sharing Rules, as shown here...


… don’t pertain to the Campaign Member object, which as you probably know is the junction object/cross-reference between Contacts and Campaigns.


This can lead to undue panic, where you might worry Marketo doesn’t have access to SFDC fields, or Last Modified Date is out of whack, or other wrong turns.


If you right-click and force Sync to SFDC in these cases, you’ll see an error in the Activity Log about being unable to reach a previously visible sObject, while Added to SFDC Campaign comes through fine. Needless to say, if someone’s being added to campaigns you expect to use in Marketo, they should be made visible to Marketo’s SFDC User!


In one recent case, a bunch of people had the wrong Record Type. Their sales owner switched them to Private Sales at some point — not taking into account that they were already in Marketo, of course! — and forgot to switch them back to general Sales.