Re: How can I see landing page conversions broken out by unique URLs that drove to the page?

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How can I see landing page conversions broken out by unique URLs that drove to the page?

For example, we have one landing page/form for a whitepaper on our site, but then we have several URLs (on Facebook, PPC ads, Emails, etc) that direct to the landing page. Each URL has a promo code and lead source associated that gets auto-populated in the hidden fields of our form, but I cannot track conversions from these separately from the overall form conversion report in Marketo. Does anyone know how to break that out, or a better way to set this up to get this visibility?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How can I see landing page conversions broken out by unique URLs that drove to the page?

You might try using Querystring field in a smart list. Or just smart lists in general to look for each PS and Source.

Another way is to have a "promo code changer" that listens for this tag and then assigns the lead to a specific SFDC Campaign. Then you can really break those out.
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Re: How can I see landing page conversions broken out by unique URLs that drove to the page?

I typically use Marketo's querystring functionality, but as a redundancy, I also track it in Google Analytics with their UTM codes.

Once I've establiched my UTM naming convention I create a token on every campaign called {{my.Token}} then place add it to the end of every link. Then you can create a filter that looks for specific codes like utm_source or utm_campaign

It's pretty much just like the query string but this allows you to track it in both marketo and google analytics