Hiring an automation manager- suggestions on a Skill evaluation project

Level 1

Hiring an automation manager- suggestions on a Skill evaluation project

I am in the process of hiring am automation/operations manager and looking to have him do a project of some sort to help me understand his level of expertise. Is there anything else I can do to confirm skill level?

A few ideas I have are:

  • Identify lifecycle operational campaign, what are the rule and is there already a campaign set up based on lifecycle status?
  • How many leads are in nurture campaigns that are not identified as MQLs
  • Build a campaign for an upcoming event
    • how would you identify the audience?
    • how would you create content/emails
    • what would be your strategy for pre-during-post
    • Create a smart list (include parameters)
    • how would you test and learn in real time to inform content/deliverability etc. 

Please let me know if you have any other ideas.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hiring an automation manager- suggestions on a Skill evaluation project

Those sound good.

I tend to ask questions (and you can search on this to find my site as well as other people's suggestions).

  • How would the person approach an Engagement build?
  • have them do a Marketo Audit and see what the person says about your system.
  • what are the steps to do X? A lot of people have trouble describing how they do the work or the exact order things should occur.
  • how do they scale email and page templates? The correct answer is folder tokens and modules and program templates.
Level 1

Re: Hiring an automation manager- suggestions on a Skill evaluation project

Thanks, Josh!

Level 10

Re: Hiring an automation manager- suggestions on a Skill evaluation project

And snippets for the last point
