Hi @Danielle_Wong , did you manage to integrate Marketo data into Google Data Studio? I would be happy to hear more since I'm looking to do the same. Thanks. Andréia
@Megan_Koelemay, I didn't integrated Marketo with Google Data Studio. But, I have researched for the some tools and here are the names of a few: Stitch, owoxBI, Cdata, Skyvia, Panoply
I've had some good success using Zapier to do this. Ultimately I setup all the reports I want to run in Marketo and have them emailed to me on a set cadence. Then I have Zapier watch my inbox for those emails and save the attachments to a folder in GDrive. Now, the tricky part for me was I wanted to have a running log of these reports, so I actually created a Google Script that will convert all the .csv files to Sheets and combine them into one master doc that also gets time-stamped. The only issue I've run into with it was that I have to clear out the old files every 2-3 months otherwise the script times out. This was definitely a poor mans solution and any integration would probably be better.