Bobby D, I see that the Send with Marketo functionality is only seen when I pop a GMail compose window out of it's window:
but I don't see evidence that this is really working right.
To test:
Pick your browser of choice and clear all of it's cookies.
Go to your site (where muchkin code is embedded) and browse about for a bit, generating an anonymous lead in Marketo toed to the cookie you just got put in your browser.
Create a Marketo lead through the Marketo UI.
Compose and send an email to that lead that contains a link your web property (with the Muchkin code on it) using the Marketo plugin.
Using the original browser, open the sent email and click the link in the email.
This should "connect the dots" merging the anonymous lead activity (before the creation of the known lead) with the known lead. It has not done this for me to date.