Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

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Gmail Plug-In Tracking

The e-mails I send throught the Gmail plug in don't seem to be tracked well:

-No tracking when e-mail was opened
-No tracking when link was clicked on in the e-mail

Am I the only one experiencing this?
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

Our reps are having similar issues so we stopped using it. The tracking seemed intermittant. Really would like it to get fixed though as it seems very valuable. 
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

Yes, I'm actually not even sure if it puts a cookie on the recipient's computer when the e-mail is sent to a new lead and if s/he clicks on a link in the e-mail.
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

We had similiar issues and did quite a bit of testing that indicated it wasn't working well. 
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

Is anyone having a good experience with the Gmail plugin?
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

I can't soo the "Send with Marketo" option in Gmail anymore. Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking

Bobby D, I see that the Send with Marketo functionality is only seen when I pop a GMail compose window out of it's window:

but I don't see evidence that this is really working right.
To test:
  • Pick your browser of choice and clear all of it's cookies.
  • Go to your site (where muchkin code is embedded) and browse about for a bit, generating an anonymous lead in Marketo toed to the cookie you just got put in your browser.
  • Create a Marketo lead through the Marketo UI.
  • Compose and send an email to that lead that contains a link your web property (with the Muchkin code on it) using the Marketo plugin.
  • Using the original browser, open the sent email and click the link in the email. 
  • This should "connect the dots" merging the anonymous lead activity (before the creation of the known lead) with the known lead. It has not done this for me to date.
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Re: Gmail Plug-In Tracking


Seeing similar issues.. anything sent from gmail is considered 'no template' yet they picked a template. Wish this worked.
