Re: GDPR Compliance: Consent Management implications

Not applicable

Re: GDPR Compliance: Consent Management implications

Now I might be wrong - let's open with that statement - because, let's face it, some of us are reading something new on GDPR every day...


I'm pretty sure I saw something which stated that an opt-in can't be bartered for - i.e. it's still unfair according to GDPR to get explicit consent in exchange for a whitepaper if I'm reading that right, you can't include your Opt-in button on your web form if it's in exchange for something. So we will end up with the scenario where someone has asked us to do something - i.e.a Request a Demo form, where we will need to get in touch with them, but don't have explicit consent...

fun times indeed...

Level 4

Re: GDPR Compliance: Consent Management implications

Agree on the opt-in stance and not being bundled with other actions.  In previous readings regarding anti-spam policies, particularly in Germany, this has been in place. Opting in to marketing/email communications has to be individually identified and explicit - what is the user signing up for. The bundling, probably gets skirted around, but I think it's going to be more focused on and yes - gated content and opting-in will definitely need to be more clear and separate in the days ahead.