Re: Form Progressive Profiling

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Level 3

Form Progressive Profiling

Hi - we've been using Marketo for over a year, but we are just now starting to use Marketo forms/landing pages to gate some of our content.

My question - will a lead need to fill our an entire form every time they want to download a different piece of content? Or will progressive profiling capture the lead data?

For example, User A gets to a landing page to download an eBook, fills out the name/email address and gets the eBook. User A comes back to our site a few days later for another piece of gated content. If we use the same form on all our landing pages, will they have to fill out the entire form again from the top or will they be cookied and therefore progressive profiling kicks in (even though it's a different landing page/form?).

If not, is there a way around this? Seems like bad user experience to have to fill out a form every time someone wants content. Thanks!

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

For the lurkers: I checked the pages offline and immediately saw the problem: Jess had ProgPro and KL HTML ("If Known Lead, Custom HTML") both active for a form.

These settings are, in practice, mutually exclusive, since one means "No form at all if already associated or after first fillout" and the other means "New fields on the form after first fillout."  To avoid confusion, choose one or the other (though Form Editor doesn't stop you from having both active).

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Level 2

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

Hi Jess,

In the form setup there is an option to enable form pre-fill. This will auto populate User A's info they provided the first time via cookie.


Progressive profiling is another thing.  This can be used if you don't want to have the User complete 10  fields on the first gated content.  You can have them complete 3 fields and the next time, progressive profiling can ask them to complete 4 more different fields since it has the first 3 fields from last time. Does that make sense?

Level 3

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

Hi Michele,

So pre-fill will work no matter how many times the user comes back and visits a different landing page for content? That makes sense.

On top of that, I assume I can use progressive profiling so that the second and third times user A visits, their pre-filled info. will be there but I can also have them complete additional fields?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

You don't necessarily need PreFill, nor ProgPro.

In the Form Editor, you can set the form to display only a Download button (or anything you want) if the session is associated: "If Known Lead, show Custom HTML".

Level 3

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

Ahh, I see it now. So I should just use that option and someone who's already filled out a form will get the custom HTML? And if that's the case, then when can we use prog. profiling?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

ProgPro is for, well, letting the lead progressively populate their profile over multiple visits. If you only care to have them fill out fields once, you can skip the visual chaff of their already-filled fields by using KL HTML. KL HTML has the built-in ability to change the Submit button text after the initial fillouts (though you can also do this using JS and/or CSS).

Level 3

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

OK, right. So ideally I want to use Prog Pro on these leads, but I don't want them to have to fill out the information they've filled out on their previous visits.  If that's the case, I should pre-fill with prog pro? Because Prog Pro cannot be used with Known Lead HTML... And that will work regardless of what landing page/form they go to?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

It sounds like you want ProgPro, with every field in the ProgPro group. (So filled fields will not be shown again.)

Level 3

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

OK, thanks for the help! I think I'm going to need to test a few different scenarios to see what's going to work for us.

Level 3

Re: Form Progressive Profiling

Hi Sanford - I'm hoping you can help me some more, you seen super knowledgeable on these forums. I thought I had set up my form (with ProgPro) correctly, but when I test, it's not working.

Essentially, I've got landing page A with my form (5 fields) and landing page B with my form. When I fill out the form from landing page A and then navigate to landing page B, the form has not changed, the same 5 fields are still showing, despite (I thought), enabling ProgPro in Marketo.

Please please please help. I feel like I'm going insane.

Thank you,
