Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

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Level 2

Form CAPTCHA Integration

Hello All,

I am working on adding the Marketo Integrated CAPTCHA to all of my forms and adjusting smart campaigns to trigger based on the results. The linked post suggests having a process to "review and revert" false positives (real people that have been incorrectly identified as suspicious), but I am struggling with how to put excluded people back into the flow. I cannot seem to find an option that doesn't involve building duplicate smart campaigns to check for people being removed from the quarantine list rather than allowing them to return to the original flow. 


What are some of your processes for reviewing and reverting false positives so they can get back into the flow? 


Thank you! 


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

You can create a batch campaign to process the false positives, and have that campaign request your core operational campaigns in the flow (add campaign is requested flow to your core operational campaigns). So if the review and revert people selected by you qualify for your operational campaigns and flows (e.g., scoring, stage qualifications, etc.), they would flow through your core campaigns itself. This is much better than cloning and passing the false positives through them rather than your core operational campaigns. 

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

You can create a batch campaign to process the false positives, and have that campaign request your core operational campaigns in the flow (add campaign is requested flow to your core operational campaigns). So if the review and revert people selected by you qualify for your operational campaigns and flows (e.g., scoring, stage qualifications, etc.), they would flow through your core campaigns itself. This is much better than cloning and passing the false positives through them rather than your core operational campaigns. 

Level 2

Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

Doing a batch campaign to request the original campaign makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your response! 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

You are welcome! Iā€™d also suggest maintaining 2 static lists for renew and retrieve process: one for housing people who should be renewed (I.e., yet to be renewed, you can use this list as a filter in your batch campaign), and another one to house the renewed records. So you always have a list of records renewed, in case need be in the future. This is just a suggestion, how you want to design the flow/lists/etc. is completely dependent on your renewal process.


Level 2

Re: Form CAPTCHA Integration

That is a good suggestion, thanks again!