Re: Finally, Program Tokens!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Finally, Program Tokens!

I just saw the details around the Summer release and noticed we are finally getting Program tokens - this is great news!  While the description says "you now can render Program Name, Description, and ID in assets and smart campaign flow steps", there are some flow steps that don't accept tokens - like the one below where we manually define the Acquisition Program Name.  Will the new 'program name' token be able to be used here?  Hopefully a member of the product team can chime in here.


Justin Cooperman

Level 10

Re: Finally, Program Tokens!

Frank Passantino​ should be able to answer this one for you

Not applicable

Re: Finally, Program Tokens!


There are different types of fields that program tokens will work With:

  • Phone
  • String
  • Test Area
  • URL
  • Email

Programs tokens will not work with the following field types because of the field type:

  • Float
  • Formula
  • Integer
  • Percent
  • Score
  • Boolean
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Date Time

Program tokens will also not work with any System Managed Fields.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Finally, Program Tokens!

Hi Frank - I'm assuming the "Avanade Acquisition Program" field is a string field, no?  In its current state, no tokens work here.  And now that we will have access to program tokens, these is a perfect scenario on where this could be useful.

Not applicable

Re: Finally, Program Tokens!

Hi Dan. Avanade Acquisition Program sounds like a custom string field, in which case Program Tokens should work in change data values to that field.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Finally, Program Tokens!

Hi Frank - I included a screenshot of the wrong field.  The correct one is "Acquisition Program" which is a Marketo system field, I believe - and the reason why tokens will not work here.  Can you confirm that both "Acquisition Program Name" and "Acquisition Program" are system managed fields?
