You don't have the option Contains for Web Page, just Is or is not
We use the "referrer" constraint here as it's more reliable than "webpage":
We specify exactly which pages this form is triggered on since this smart campaign is defined at the program level. This, for example, is a program to track activity for a specific piece of content. And our alerts are structured as follows:
Those community links are no longer active. Has anyone had success with webpage/querystring constraints when using an external link? I've tried both without "http://" but it isn't working. To clarify, it will let me activate the campaign, but my progression status flow changes are not updating.
First, are these external web pages on your domain (and contain Munchkin tracking)? If so, use the "referrer" constraint instead of the "web page" constraint. The detail behind this can be found here: Difference between Referrer constraint vs Web Page constraint for form fill out?
If ever in doubt, just have a look at a lead that submitted the form and view their activity log to see exactly how Marketo is logging this behavior (in this case, the answer is in the "fills out form" log entry - you'll see the referrer URL along with the other data). Your contraints/values should reflect what Marketo is logging.