The following Marketo form is in a lightbox on our website. It uses the Simple template with custom CSS. The Country's Selector and Opt_in's Checkboxes fields are wrapping to the next line - any idea why this is happening and how to avoid this from happening? I'd like them on the same line. See the custom CSS below as well.
Here is this code:
/* Add your custom CSS below */
.mktoForm .mktoButtonWrap.mktoSimple .mktoButton {
.mktoGutter {
display: none;
.mktoAsterix {
margin-right: 0
.mktoForm select.mktoField {
width:100px !important;
.mktoForm textarea.mktoField {
width:300px !important;
/* css to customize the field width */
.mktoForm input[type=text], .mktoForm input[type=url], .mktoForm input[type=email], .mktoForm input[type=tel], .mktoForm input[type=number], .mktoForm input[type=date] {
width:200px !important;
margin-left: 10px;
.mktoFormCol, .mktoFieldWrap {
width:520px !important;
/* css to customize the vertical spacing */
.mktoForm .mktoOffset {
float: left;
height: 1.2em;
Thanks for your help!
What's the URL on your site?
Hi Sanford, the form is on all product pages, here is one example:
Latchways Mini Self-Retracting Lifeline | MSA - The Safety Company | United States
It's the form behind the "Request Information" button.
Look in your commerce.css file. You have overly generic selectors in there, like FORM SELECT { clear: both; }, that are overriding the default styles in certain places (they are not overriding mktoForm styles per se, they are overriding browser default styles and that affects all forms).