Re: Error Code 615

Not applicable

Error Code 615

Hi Team,

Recently we are observing the error code 615 very frequently. Is this introduced new?



Level 10

Re: Error Code 615

When is this happening? I which context?

Can you provide a screen shot?


Not applicable

Re: Error Code 615

We have an integration with REST API. Multiple Threads will try to push Leads into one marketo account.We are sure that there are no 10 concurrent requests which are trying to push leads.



Marketo Employee

Re: Error Code 615

Your single application may not be pushing 10 threads at a time, but the limitation is at the instance level.  If you have other integrations, it's likely that they are occupying additional request slots, causing the error to be thrown.  If you have any launchpoint integrations or other internal services, you should reach out to them and see if they can tune their concurrent requests limit.

Not applicable

Re: Error Code 615

Ok Thank you.

I think we did not have this error code in previous releases, We have a copy of error codes from last year's marketo developer page.

Can you tell me which release we introduced this into Marketo?


Not applicable

Re: Error Code 615

We began enforcing the concurrency limit on APIs in the prior release, and have been messaging those customers whose instances have known to be using the APIs at a high concurrency rate. 

As Kenny has mentioned, if there are Launchpoint integration partners that may also be using your APIs using the same user ID, we recommend you work with them to stay within the concurrency limit.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Error Code 615

As Kenny has mentioned, if there are Launchpoint integration partners that may also be using your APIs using the same user ID, we recommend you work with them to stay within the concurrency limit.

This is why I recommend passing all API traffic through a mediation layer such as Apache Camel that can enforce limits.  It's basically impossible to coordinate the usage by multiple totally independent consumers (although I think Marketo should add per-API-user limits so that consumers are throttled automatically).